Our playground is fully secure, enclosed with a fence surrounding the perimeter of the grounds with entrances and a locked gate. It also has video monitoring for an added safety measure.
The playground area offers are-appropriate climbing and play equipment, areas for riding bicycles, tricycles, and cars, as well as an area for water play and exploration.
Preschoolers need open spaces to run, jump and climb. This activity not only provides opportunities for children to play cooperatively with friends but also helps them settle down later for quiet activities.
Outdoor play environments are the ideal place to reinforce learning in new and exciting ways. Explore ways to help children develop skills through hands-on learning experiences outdoors.
Learning occurs in many places besides the classroom and well-designed outdoor play environments can provide young children unique experiences that can be authentic, experiential, and relevant.
Providing a balance of facilitated and free play opportunities along a developmentally appropriate continuum is important for children as they engage in healthy risk-taking, explore their environments, and interact with the world around them. Educators often overlook the playground as an extension of the classroom and as a place that can reinforce learning in new and exciting ways.
Early childhood playgrounds can be intentionally designed and programmed so that children develop skills such as concentration, cooperation, persistence, goal-setting, and problem-solving through hands-on learning experiences that use play as the catalyst for developing physical, social/emotional, cognitive, sensory, and communication skills.
Children will benefit from the meaningful play experiences they have outdoors and the opportunities to make powerful connections between important academic concepts and their everyday lives.
Attendees will leave with new and creative ideas and resources to utilize their outdoor play space to promote imagination, discovery, physical activity, and address the overall development of their students.
All participants will be given the opportunity to learn about and apply for a playground enhancement contest designed to bring learning outdoors