Our program provides structure to instill confidence in your child, and to put them in a position to succeed. All Camp activities are age-appropriate and increase in skill level as the child’s ability grows. The staff’s emphasis is on participation and skills, and our main objective is to promote a non-competitive sports environment with the focus on FUN. We will also be doing theme-based math, writing, and reading lessons to keep their brains stimulated and make sure they are ready for the new grade that awaits them
Our Goal is to teach children to approach new situations with a positive, enthusiastic, and open mind. To teach children to be independent, self-reliant free thinkers. We will provide a stimulating environment where each child’s potentialities and abilities are recognized and helped to unfold in accordance with their inner clock. To provide a structured environment where there is a balance between academic instruction, social interaction, and artistic expression, where a child’s self-confidence will be supported and developed by providing a range of developmental experiences
What Makes Our Camps Special?
• The safe, fun, stimulating environment we create
• Our stable, talented and committed staff who relate well to children
• Superior counselor to camper ratios
• Educational based- Language art Math and Science Daily
• Our love for the outdoors, arts, and science
• Professional management & organization
All Activities
• Arts and Crafts
• Ceramics
• Dance
• Drawing and Painting
• Music
* Karaoke
* Journaling
* Free Play
* Sports
* Water Play
* Yoga
* Science
* Reading and Spelling
* Math
* Cooking
• Movies Based on Themes Week
Registration will begin online from May 1 – May 31, 2020
Also, actual payment must be paid in the office (credit, debit, personal check, money order, or cashier’s check) no later than May 31, 2020 or you will lose your spot and need to register in person on Friday, May 31, 2020.